To say that human race is just that would be an understatement. The human race, though it has it's flaws, is much more interesting than the simple term of human can proclaim. In all truth, though humans are corrupt and at times vile, they share a common knowledge that sets them apart from the other inhabitants of the world that they reside on.
Know this, humans are nothing if they are not crafty and at times wise beyond their meager years. A hundred years does not even begin to justify what one will find if they dig beneath the surface of the human skin, a hundred years does not even give the time it would take to understand their conscious minds, not to mention the ever lurking subconscious that many seem to grasp their flawed understanding of each other's conditions from.
But to understand one's condition one must look at their own. To see another's perspective is to learn from one's own perspective to begin with. Only then can one truly analyze another being.
The human soul is what sets them apart from those of other inhabitants of the earth, because a human chooses whether or not to have a soul in their own words though only their creator knows for sure what each was gifted with, not the individual humans themselves.
That is to say what other races, other inhabitants perceive each other differently. The questions are limitless.
Does a human have a soul or not? Do they think about their actions after they commit them? Are they essencially good, or evil? These are questions that only the individual humans themselves can answer.