Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wow, I've been gone a while...This blog needs some updating.

I can't say that I know exactly why I stopped posting. It could be that I lost track of time, or that the days began to run together, or that my family, (those that reside in the house which I currently live in), just got bigger, like eight people now live here bigger. I've tried posting, but the inspiration just wasn't there, that was until today when I read the most amazing thing in my life, posted by one of my best friends who has become my sister.
I'll be updating the blog frequently from now on, even though I technically only have three people who even care what's written here. *tears* However, those've held onto this for a while and I must appologize that I haven't written when I have so much to say. Look for more posts to come soon and remember...just because I don't post right away, doesn't mean that I don't care.
As always thanks for believing in me.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sorry, I just disappeared.

My mind lately is like a jumbled mess, full of paths and roads that make no sense and lead nowhere. I'm not sure exactly where to go or what to do, which path leads where and what one I should follow so I am uterly confused.

No doubt that it's been a while since I've posted on this blog. I mean, it's been a few days at the most since the last post, but can you tell the jump between that one and the one before it? It's not because I don't have time, because I do, but because everything is so busy now and I'm constantly forgetting that people have a right to know what's going on too.

You're not mad at me right? For not posting, for forgetting about our world that we've created here?

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Human right dictates that we are free, that the government does not get to decide who we are, yet day by day our rights are encroached upon. The government believes that it owns it's people, that they belong to it and it al one and that they can take away from those people, take away their creativity, take away their control, their freedom. Someone needs to stop it. Someone needs to start a rebellion.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I have a lot of pride and when I feel threatened that kind of shows. No, I don't think it's my appearnace that I'm prideful of, but maybe it's because of my ideas. I create things, wonderful things, recycled things, repurposed things, things that express my personality, and no-one understands.

People want to know why I can be so quiet, it's not because I don't have anything to say, but becasue no-one will listen. What can I say? Nothing will make them see that they're wrong. So why even try? Why even give them the satisfaction of watching me fail?

They don't know me. They don't understand. They judge before they see any potential hidden beneath the surface. Sometimes they only see the surface like how pretty or how smart someone is, but they don't really know the person, regardless of what they think they know.